How to Validate Two Column Unique in Filament-PHP


In Filament-PHP, ensuring data integrity is crucial for robust application performance. One common requirement is validating the uniqueness of two columns simultaneously. This article delves into the process of achieving this, providing a comprehensive guide on how to effectively implement two-column uniqueness validation in Filament-PHP.

Understanding Filament-PHP

Filament is a powerful tool for building modern, elegant user interfaces for Laravel applications. It simplifies complex tasks, making it easier to develop and maintain applications. Validating the uniqueness of two columns is a frequent necessity, particularly in applications where data integrity is paramount.

Why Two-Column Uniqueness Matters

Two-column uniqueness ensures that a combination of values across two columns is unique across a table. This validation is essential in scenarios where single-column uniqueness is insufficient, such as composite keys or unique combinations of user attributes.

Setting Up Filament-PHP

Before diving into validation specifics, ensure that your Filament-PHP setup is correctly configured. This includes installing Filament and setting up your models and migrations.


composer require filament/filament

Model and Migration Setup

Ensure your models and migrations are correctly defined. For instance, consider a User model with email and username columns, both requiring a unique combination.

Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

    $table->unique(['email', 'username']);

Implementing Two-Column Unique Validation

Creating a Custom Rule

Laravel’s validation rules can be extended to include custom rules. Create a custom validation rule to check the uniqueness of two columns.

php artisan make:rule UniqueTwoColumns

This command generates a rule file where you can define the validation logic.

Defining the Custom Rule

In the generated UniqueTwoColumns file, implement the logic to validate two-column uniqueness.

namespace App\Rules;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class UniqueTwoColumns implements Rule
    protected $table;
    protected $column1;
    protected $column2;

    public function __construct($table, $column1, $column2)
        $this->table = $table;
        $this->column1 = $column1;
        $this->column2 = $column2;

    public function passes($attribute, $value)
        [$value1, $value2] = $value;

        return !DB::table($this->table)
            ->where($this->column1, $value1)
            ->where($this->column2, $value2)

    public function message()
        return 'The combination of :attribute is already taken.';

Applying the Custom Rule in Controller

Use the custom rule in your controller to validate form inputs.

use App\Rules\UniqueTwoColumns;

public function store(Request $request)
        'email' => ['required', 'string', new UniqueTwoColumns('users', 'email', 'username')],
        'username' => ['required', 'string'],

    // Store user data

Testing the Validation

Testing is a critical step to ensure the validation works as expected. Create test cases to verify the functionality of the two-column unique validation.

Unit Test Example

namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;

class UniqueTwoColumnsTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

    /** @test */
    public function it_validates_the_uniqueness_of_two_columns()
        User::create(['email' => '', 'username' => 'testuser']);

        $response = $this->post('/users', [
            'email' => '',
            'username' => 'testuser',

            'email' => 'The combination of email is already taken.',

Advanced Tips

Handling Edge Cases

Consider scenarios where only one column might change, and ensure your validation logic accounts for these cases. Adjust the custom rule to handle updates gracefully.

Optimizing Database Queries

Optimize your queries to improve performance, particularly with large datasets. Utilize database indexing on the columns involved in the unique validation.

User Feedback

Provide clear and concise error messages to users when validation fails. This enhances user experience and guides them to correct the input.


Implementing two-column uniqueness validation in Filament-PHP enhances data integrity and ensures robust application performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively validate the uniqueness of two columns, accommodating various application requirements.

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